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1% For Self Care

Studies shows people who suffering from acne have a 63% higher risk to get depression in the first few years after the occurrence of the skin issue create a substantial affect on mental health due to the misconceptions in the society that cause them feel judged and ashamed . Moreover, majority of male in Malaysia who struggling with acne claimed it bring impact their ability in social life.














As a brand, we saw an opportunity to encourage men to take care of their mental health and feel comfortable to talking about it. To show mental illness is as important as physical health. We want to make them to love and embrace themselves as well as show support when then con’t cope anymore. In able to support all of the struggling men and women, RegiMen contributes 1% of annual sales to The Befrienders to support their workshop, exhibitions and operation.


The Befrienders is a non-profit organisation that provide free emotional support in everyday, anytime, to people who need someone to listen, to support, to talk, to understand.  The service seems simple, but it do make a difference for people who are lonely, hopeless, in destress, and having suicide thoughts to talk with someone they do not know. 

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